Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The IRS is looking for you Tom...

I am totally pissed off, which is a rather inelegant way to start a blog post. Am I and the people I work with the only ones who hire competent accountants? How does Daschle owe $125,000 in taxes over a car, Nancy Killefer have a lien on her house and our Secretary of Treasury Tom Geitner is also under suspicion for failing to pay FICA for an employee? Given that they are running the country (well only one is actually going to be in the cabinet) I understand if they don’t have time for the mundane details we plebians must face. I guess notices from the IRS get ignored at their homes, but don’t their handlers or maids see them? Isn’t there somewhere important mail gets siphoned to someone in charge? Yikes!
And then there’s by buddy Thain from Merril Lynch (now defunct). How about that million dollar office and his multimillion dollar bonus? I liked listening to Barney Frank suggest that most of us don’t need year end incentives to do what we do. (Oh Barney my love, please promise me you haven’t screwed the pooch as well with your taxes. Oh no, I remember there was another indiscretion a few years ago with Barney).
I swear our country is being run by gypsies, tramps and thieves. Barack, give me my hope back! I didn’t stand out in that cold 2 weeks ago to see you so quickly crash. Promise me we are going to get Health Reform and those dirty bankers are going to the hoosegow.
Now if you have read this diatribe, I’d like you to show me the love and leave a comment. It’s getting lonely on this blog. And this has to be a topic everyone wants to weigh in on.
Mambo Mazuri y’all

1 comment:

Andy said...

Hi, I always read your blogs when I'm up in Montreal. I have to say I felt exactly the same way tonight when watching / reading the news. I haven't lost hope yet, but is frustrating, and I hope that Barack is as anoyed about all of this as we are...
