Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Peacekeepers 2009

Many of you know about the Peacekeepers. Some of you don't and if you don't know them it is entirely your loss. I write about them from time to time. They grace my home and this world. Their generosity of spirit and conviction that the world should be a better place helps me know that I'm heading in the right direction. We have been gathering for about 7 years now to do Thanksgiving Baskets. At first it was for another agency, but we found that we had enough folks in our group who had dedicated their lives to helping in some of the roughest parts of our city and knew many families who would benefit from the largesse. We made 3 baskets our first year and did 20 this year. Everyone gets into the spirit.

I have been rather busy this past month. There is a group of Peacekeepers who have been writing grants to help change health care in Kenya. Sometimes I look at these people and wonder how did I get so lucky to find them and that they want to work with me. Their drive, inovation and enthusiasm, to say nothing of their vast knowledge is going to change this world, it already has. And aren't I lucky that they want to help One Village. So with the grant and the visit to Philadelphia to meet Monica from KMET, as well as the running of home and practice I wasn't sure I was up to the baskets.

Ha ha, how can I ever not respond to the call of the PK's themselves asking "Are we going to do it this year??", and of course we do. They sign up quickly as the emails go around, they gather their offerings, the peacelings come with them and once again we know that we are joined together in grace and love.Maybe next year you'll join us to.

Thank you Peacekeepers, and here's the video. See You Soon.

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