Tomorrow is Weds. Oct 20, 2010. Perhaps it isn't that memorable a day to anyone unless they happen to be born on this day. But tomorrow I will wear purple, not because I am old, (which is true) but to support gay kids all over. I will actually wear purple and black, since the day has been put aside to mourn the gay kids who have been killing themselves like lemmings in the past few months. What does it say about where we are that there needs to be a site:, where countless interviews by gays are posted on youtube to reassure gay kids that IF they can make it through school, they can get away from the bullies and the teasing and the rejection. It speaks volumes about where we are as a country and Mother is not happy.
I must admit that I am already dreading election day. I'm afraid Barak just never made the switch to being a man of the people. He campaigned well, but he just can't seem to get how to get down with folks. I find that depressing since it has given rise to a lunatic fringe like I've never seen before. I know that some thought my generation were out of control, but we have come into our own and the war in Viet Nam was a travesty and indeed Nixon was a crook. So we don't measure up to the Tea Party Lunatics.
It's much better when they make fools of themselves in person, that's what my daddy used to say. Things can be written about folks, or ads can show things but when you get a real bona fide idiot running for Senate and not familiar with the First Amendment, well honey that just has to go up here. And here's my favorite Republican I love to taunt, Christine ODonnell in the flesh.
Pray for us, my friends, and for heaven's sake get out there and vote!!!