Friday, February 15, 2008


“What doth the Lord Require of thee?
Only to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with thy God”
Micah 6:8

So often my clients are worried about being good enough, or worthy. They worry about being approved of either by others or themselves. I try to guide them back to the teachings of Micah since it’s so simple. Notice there is no implication in this quote of worthiness or acceptance by others or by God. Our job is to do justice, love mercy and the tough one, walk humbly.

Sometimes doing the mercy thing is hard too. Sometimes we think we are being merciful when we are actually placating ourselves. Sometimes it is easier to give someone something they want because it makes us feel good, when their having to fight for it for themselves is what they really need.

I am now in a great moral dilemma. The schools signed contracts with me to send their records each 3 months. Once I receive the records I release more funding for the children. Their last set of reports were due before the elections, but they didn’t send them. And of course they still have not sent them. To do what the Lord require?? Have mercy and send the money? Have mercy and not send the money to help they learn accountability? You see the conundrum is that we do not want to be just another charity giving out money, we want active participants. I have been working with these schools for 2 years and they still don’t get it. They still don’t get the need for the accounts. If they don’t learn these simple accounts, if I don’t prepare them for the businesses they plan to run, if I just give them the money how am I being merciful? Donors get tired…ED’s get tired, so I’ll pray on it.
I’m going to put it up for a vote. I’d love to know what you think. Next week I’ll tell you what I decided.


Peter Lake, LAKE Real Estate said...

I voted for sending some now and the rest when the mail comes. Reason: I think it's important forthem to know in this crisis that we're still supporting them but that they also have to continue as before, as best they can. Think of Anne Frank writing her diary. (Well, that didn't turn out all that well, so maybe not.)

Perhaps they can't do all you require right now, but they should respond somehow.

And on the other hand, it's impossible to comprehend what kind of particular hardship they're now enduring, in a land where hardship beyond what we've ever known is the norm.

Kirstin Elaine Myers said...

I think that we need to expect the same standards of everyone in the long run but make exceptions for them in the short run to account for learning curves, natural disasters and general life crises that will occur. There, the best solution in my opinion is to send some, wait for the report and then send the rest, being clear that no more money will come till the reports are done.

linda del paggio said...

Susan, I understand your dilemma but I also voted to send some now and the rest later. This is crisis and they need more than ever. Have faith and patience and determination they will get the paperwork lesson with your perseverence. But right now it is life and death.