Thursday, March 6, 2008


Mamma’s Going Home!
I woke this morning with such a longing for my beloved Kenya. I spoke to Miriam today. She's one of our headteachers. I could hear the rain pounding on the corrugated metal roof. You cannot imagine the noise it makes. I could see the mud rivers flowing in the streets, feel the warm damp on my lips, smell the earth and I knew it was time to go home. I realize no matter what the risks I must go home. I can go through Nairobi or through Kampala. Dear Daniel has said if I must go through Kampala he will meet me there and escort me across the border, since walking across the border is dicey. There is something called No Man’s Land where neither country has ownership and that’s where it can be a bit hairy.Wow! I'm leaving in 8 weeks. Got it confirmed. My heart soars! I'm going home!!!

We are working on our fundraiser and it’s getting pretty exciting. So many incredible people lending their gifts and talents for the children of Nambale makes me know how blessed my life is. One of the folks does content for websites and he has suggested that I include this article I wrote last year.

Whenever I go over to Kenya packing is a challenge. I bring so many things I want the people to have, computers or other electronics. The problem is always the customs folks. They usually have to take something or go through all my things. Being the seasoned traveler that I am I’ve got it nailed. And now I give you Rainbow Condoms

This is my last post before I disappear into the mud and
laughter. I have just finished packing my bags. I have
learned over the years how to pack for Kenya since
anything you want someone to truly get you have to
bring them. I am bringing mostly books, but for the
fellow who is my videographer I am bringing him a
good deal of electronics. Computer, external disk drive,
speakers and cameras. Now that's yummy yummy time
for the customs folks. So how do I get around it, why
rainbow condoms of course! Because I am an AIDS
trainer as well, I always carry sacks of condoms and
black penises for demonstration. I don't hide these
things, as a matter of fact I make sure that they are right
on top. Then when they ask if they can open my
suitcase I encourage them to do so, but to be careful
since some of the things I am carrying might embarrass
them. It works every time.
Usually I also announce in my best Swahili that they
should feel free to help themselves because there is
such a terrible epidemic in Kenya.Yeah, works every
time. So let's hear it for rainbow condoms and the joys
of trying to do one's mission while outfoxing the foxes.
I'll write when I get back. Promise.

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