Thursday, October 8, 2009


It's been a while since I've checked in. I read in the Nation and the Standard, Kenya's papers that there are "rumors" that youth are arming themselves for the 2012 elections. I know they're not rumors since I've heard what the tribes say about each other. However, it's 2 years away and the folks don't want to scare away what tourist bucks they can get.

In the North of Kenya there is drought while where I work they are preparing for floods and cholera. Famine continues in Masai land while the Sio threatens to overflow it's banks next to Manyole and Malanga School. And the beat goes on.

We're working on a grant to bring micro-computers to rural Kenya and change the way health care is done over there. We have an amazing team putting that together. One of the members donated a cow to one of the schools. While I can't find a photo of her, I did come across this movie of Lillian that I made 3 years ago and decided it's time for you to meet Lillian.

I know the accents are hard for American ears, but do try. The story is quite compelling.
And in the meantime, keep the faith y'all.

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