Thursday, October 29, 2009

One Way to Cut Costs

I try to check the Kenyan papers every day. Frequently I learn something about the U.S. However, reading the Nation and the Standard also depresses me enormously. There is no escaping the corruption, famine, drought, and poverty that abide in Kenya. Today was no exception. It seems that there are now new rules for children entering first grade (standard 1). They will all need birth certificates. Wow, now there is a great idea to cut costs. Primary and secondary school are now supposed to be free. This did tend to put pressure on the education budget (and then there would be all the graft that takes place in each area of government) and you can't really tax the villagers since they don't make any money. So the answer clearly is make sure the kids don't go to school. Reminds me of the poll tax we had in this country before Civil Right.

So here it is, taken from the Nation Newspaper today. My heart sinks.

By PAUL JUMA Posted Wednesday, October 28 2009 at 20:18

A birth certificate may soon be a compulsory requirement for admission to Standard One. The government plans to issue the directive that may be effective next year. The move could bar about 60 per cent of children who are estimated to be without birth certificates from joining school.

The proposal is among some drastic changes which the Ministry of Immigration plans to make as it implements its 2008-2012 strategic plan.

“We are in the process of negotiating with the Ministry of Education to make it mandatory for all children joining standard One to have birth certificates,” Immigration minister Otieno Kajwang’ said on Wednesday at the launch of the plan.

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