Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ok This is Just Wrong

I'm getting packed to go on home. Of course there is about a foot of snow outside so I'm glad my plane wasn't supposed to leave today. I hope you all remember my reporting on the election violence in Kenya 3 years ago. I surely do.

It turns out that some of the most prominent names in politics in Kenya were named by the Hague for their crimes of inciting the riot and the aftermath. It even includes the vice president of the country, and the son of a former president, Uhuru Kenyatta. They face trials and prison. We all know politicians hate being caught (Hey Hey Tom Delay 3 yrs for you!) but this is totally outrageous.
 Kalonzo Musakoya (the VP) it seems would rather not have an international trial. Seems that he would like to be tried  probably in Kenya. corruption there. But the deal is he's going to 6 other African countries to try and talk them into pulling out of the Hague agreement so that he can be tried locally. Really? Really??
 Sometimes when I read these things it makes me crazy angry. For the children killed in the church fire in Eldoret, for the burnings, and terror of my nieces hiding in a field at night praying they wouldn't get killed, man I think this guy and his cronies should be held in an international court with full network access.
Just as we are facing the aftermath of killings and attempted murder of one of our congresswomen, it is time to stop the violence everywhere. For me the works of the Kenya 6 are far more egregious since they were planned and carried out by officials, not just one lone nut job.
And that's my take on politics for today.

Below is the Nation Reporting.

Kenya seeks AU backing on bid to pull out of Hague

By OLIVER MATHENGE omathenge@ke.nationmedia.comPosted Tuesday, January 11 2011 at 21:00
  • VP and three ministers in mission to woo African leaders
The government has sent ministers to lobby different African countries to support its efforts to have the six Kenyans named by the International Criminal Court tried locally.
The brief for the ministers, who include Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, is to urge the African leaders to support Kenya’s efforts to try The Hague Six locally.
The Nation learnt on Tuesday that Mr Musyoka is currently in South Africa to meet President Jacob Zuma over the issue.
Sources said that the VP will on Thursday hold talks on the same issue with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni.
Next week, he will be in Malawi on the same mission — which comes two weeks before African Union heads of State meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for a major summit.
Sources close to the VP confirmed that Mr Musyoka had discussed the matter with his host in South Africa.

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