Friday, July 12, 2013

Single is better than Good

So I'm moving to D.C in a few weeks. They don't know what's going to hit them. It was a very easy

decision for me. I was on a beach in South Carolina by myself and it dawned on me that it was time to sell my home. I called my friend who's a real estate agent and he said fine, let's get it on the market.

What? On the market now? I was thinking more like fall, but he assured me now was the time. One week later, one small open house, 5 bids over ask and the house was sold. Ok now time to get a new one. Down to D.C the following weekend, find the place wrap it up I'll take it. Done.

But the deal is when I called my friends I found out that in their lives this couldn't happen. Each one of them would LOVE to sell their home and move into a swanky condo but their husbands want to stay in the homes. A couple of my friends despair of ever being able to leave the burbs. And see, all this time I've been single and thinking gosh I suck at relationships, it's now not so bad at all. I don't suck at relationships because they have all been my friends for 40 years. I just didn't pick the right guy to marry and now I'm totally grateful I'm not saddled with a man.

As a matter of fact being single is better than Good, it's great. It's freedom, it's starting again when I want, it's freedom.

Keep the faith y'all

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