Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow God and Kenya

The snow came hurtling down this morning. I find the winter weather here in Boston offensive and would ordinarily go back to bed, but I needed to go to church today. I needed to try and understand the unfathomable. I needed a place to put my pain and my church is that place.
I was indignant that I had to brush the snow off my car. Damn! This snowstorm was not predicted, and here it was with gale force and tons of that nasty white stuff coating everything. The roads were dreadful and I suspect everyone was resentful of the sudden reminder that we live in a very cold place. People were trying to drive as if nothing was happening on the roads, despite a couple of inches, plus ice and minus any plows or salt. They drove like hooligans on the pike and I arrived at church late, which was fine with me. I was just glad to get there in one piece. Gosh, Boston drivers suck!
Scott Cambell, my pastor, preached an amazing sermon today. He always seems to hit just what I need to hear. It came from Matthew 4:12-23. It was about repentance. Now we are an amiable and very progressive church, so it wasn’t a sermon about sin and going to hell. Rather it was about getting ready to answer for what we have done, and in particular it was an admonition to leaders as well to lead justly and not stir the pot. Not to misinterpret the Bible for the sake of one’s own cause, and I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks.
How did he know my heart was breaking for my beloved Kenya? When Scott was preparing the text this week, could he have envisioned the continuation of violence?Could he have known that more lives were lost in just the last 2 days due to tribal warfare? I had just read that the Kisi have joined in and are burning and killing. It’s spread to the entire area where I work. It’s gotten so bad that all road transportation between Nairobi and Western Kenya has been halted. 10 were burned alive in a bus today.
As mayhem is breaking out across Kenya I read of Odinga (who I had hoped would win) enjoying his multiple cars and servants and huge estates; his European education and his intractable stand with Kibaki and I want to spank him. I read of Kibaki’s demands, I’ve seen where he lives and I know his family is safe and I want to call him up and ask him if he is out of his f-----g mind. Can a white woman of privilege all the way on the other side of the globe sit in church and sob for her beloved land while its leaders squabble and hundreds die. I don’t get it, but at least I was in God’s house today and I felt for a moment safe and loved by the people who surrounded me. And I know I will return soon, no matter what…and I know He will let me know in His time. As Scott would say “It is a truth not fully revealed.”
But Lord, when You made me you know yYou only gave me six grains of patience. You know I used up all 6 before I even got out of bed this morning.I'm having a hard time waiting in case You're interested.
Keep the faith y'all. MM

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