Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, she's back. And sassy as ever. Mom got to her room around 7:15 last night. They got her settled and she wanted to eat. They did not want her to eat. But Mom usually gets what she wants. So gingerale and saltines later they were satisfied she could hack it. We took a walk around the ward, came back for some piquant apple sauce and graham crackers followed by a raspberry ice entremezzo. They went ahead and brought her a "box lunch" consisting of a decent turkey sandwich, a sad looking apple and a midget can of diet gingerale, which in her inimitable way, she Sally-ed up into something else. I was satisfied she was her own self and left around 10pm. I'm off to check in on her now. If all goes well, she comes home today!


ei said...

Great news! This put a big fat smile on my face…I just visualized the ‘boxed lunch’ scene…
I am thrilled to hear it all went well and she is back to being her fabulous self. I am just picturing her - slightly annoyed with this small interference with her travel and social schedule.
Get well soon, Susan!

Rainy Kate said...

Our prayers are with Susan! We miss her and are so glad to hear she is recuperating well.

Katie and John Howell