Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah and Damon and Yemen Oh My!

So I went to my body worker today and he told me about this clip of Matt Damon talking about Sarah Palin as a bad Disney Movie and I just couldn't stop thinking about how true that is. I don't usually turn to actors for intellectual things, but he is spot on. So I put it down here for you all. She is beyond scary.

When I finished the massage/torture, I walked out to the news that they bombed the embassy in Yemen. My heart sunk, more for personal reasons than for shock. Everyone hates us. I'm betting Sarah doesn't even know where Yemen is! But I'm going to Kenya in 2 weeks and Sarah, it's not that far from where I'm going. No, I'm not worried, but it does make international travel to Kenya a real shackle. Sarah do you think we should bomb them back or do they just need to go to their rooms without dinner? Or maybe you want to get really tough on them and bench them for the season from hockey. Am I on the same planet as folks in Ohio? Does anyone out there care.

Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Where is the the scarecrow to lend poor Sarah a brain and the tin man to give her heart when we truly need it? I guess she'll have to go to OZ.
Enjoy the clip, it's really good.

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